
Monday, November 07, 2005

CODI - Horizon 8.0 System Administration and Overview of Security

Shelley Neville, SirsiDynix with some questions answered by Jack Blount.

Theory behind security: Worry about protecting/access control



Roles & privileges (what processes staff can do)

Combination of staff & roles& privileges=security

Protection domain: determine what data they can do the processes to. Which MARC records, patron records, acq records can they work on?

A protection domain has contextual owners:

  1. agency (items, patrons, copy records, codes)
  2. cat owner (MARC records) bibs & auths- who can update, delete, etc.
  3. Admin groups (roles, staff, security groups, system)
  4. Processing center: ACQ (POs, accounts, vendors, selections)

Can carry over CRUDO to 8.0

Not all that different from 7.3 to 8.0

Item record ownership at borrower, item, ACQ is enhanced

What happened to the old passkeys? They’re gone.

[audience question] Can block overrides be set to allow override on only info blocks, and disallow ovveride on money blocks? S-D will look into it.

Day end is server side. Don’t need a client running.

Will still have processes you need to run in the background.

Scheduled processes. Scheduler, what needs to run, what is running, what ran

Can run some processes more often... like requests

[audience question] Will each process begin at set time, or can we schedule sequences? Should be able to do both.

Can run print notices once a day, run email hourly. Cool!

Hold block doesn’t indicate when a notice was printed or emailed. It currently lists the time/date the item was trapped.

8.0 will indicate when the notice was printed or emailed!

Mysteriously missing now: ability to set up a user to be required to change their password after "x" number of days. [audience indicates they want this back!]

8.0 can have ability to give "read only" access to MARC records

[audience question] Do roles transfer from 7.3 to 8.0? Yet to be determined.

Users will come across for sure, roles may or may not. Transfer script will probably be announced soon-Jack Blount.

[audience] Is there any easy way to find out who is doing what? (who is waiving fines, etc.) Yes, you can build reports to get who does what.

Table editor? More granual access than before. Rights to view certain tables/processes

Can apply audit trail to just about anything.

Separate privileges for checkin & checkout

Web reporter is required for 8.0

All reports will come through web reporter. No built in ad-hoc reporting in 8.0

A Piece of web reporter will be included with 8.0, how much you extend that will be up to you.


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