
Monday, November 07, 2005

CODI -- Opening Session

Any emphasis is mine.

Eileen Kontrovitz, CODI VP/Pres-Elect

Eileen's shirt with all the former company names (Ameritech, Dynix, Epixtech, Dynix, etc) got a laugh from the crowd. Upon announcement later that it is Jack Blount's birthday, she presented him with one of the tshirts. Happy Birthday Jack!

797+ registered. This is a record number! [Hello to all who didn't attend and are reading about the conference via the blog postings!-ks]

961 including vendors & SirsiDynix people

General thank-yous to all the CODI board & conference planning people.

David Schuster: CODI President
David announced several International attendees, including U.K. blogger Dave Pattern.
CODI gave scholarships to 2 first-time attendees to attend the conference.

Introduced: Pat Sommers, CEO of Sirsi-Dynix.
Remember what it was like to be a kid?
  • When decisions were made by eenie meenie miney moe

  • Mistakes were corrected by do-overs

  • Being old referred to anyone over 20

  • Abilities were discovered because of the double dog dare

  • Ice cream was a basic food group
Sirsi-Dynix Merger

Merger of 2 of the leading & oldest companies in the industry.

Important to understand who we are & what we’re about, and where we’re headed.

First, our basic assumptions:
* Your success is important to us.
* You’re seeking a long-term technology partner, not just a software vendor.

Dynamics for success
Build a stable, dependable company

25-year technology innovator focused on the needs of libraries, consortia, and users

consistent managed growth
4,000 clients, 23,000+ library outlets worldwide
200+ million people served by Sirsi-Dynix libraries. More than AOL!
Operations in 40+ countries in the Americas, Europe, Africa, Middle East, and Asia-Pacific
Experienced management team.

Dynix: pre-merger, profitable, growing

What makes Sirsi-Dynix so strong? Clear focus on meeting client’s needs.
Talking about true partnership: working with users’ groups, participating in listservs, staying in touch with users-via site visits, conference participation, focusing all operations to meet your needs.
SirsiDynix is committed to growing, improving, and excelling.

Our imperatives as a business:
Create a diverse, innovative, flexible organization
Develop a client-centric organization
Achieve unprecedented operational excellence
Perfect resource allocation and decision-making
Leverage technology to exceed expectations
Forge business partnerships
Become a recognized authority (on all matters concerning the library/user relationship) this is a core part of our success. They want to improve the experience of the user.

Pursuing excellence in customer service. Client care team approach. Team that is familiar with the portion of the software you need help with AND someone who is familiar with YOUR LIBRARY

New technologies go through a cycle.
Interest peaks, then falls, then levels off.
RFID went through the peak-and the trough is now in the 'plateau of enlightenment.'

Evolution of library tech.
Dumb clients ..server/client ..wireless, PDA/handhelds

1st OPAC keyword searching, 1st windows based catalog

1st web based OPAC, 1st first enriched content for OPAC, first in RSS feeds

Why merger? We recognize that the demands of the marketplace, the things we needed to do to respond to the customers, was getting overwhelming for an ILS.

(some) Technology partners:Baker & Taylor, 3M, BWI, EBSCO, Bowker, Unique Management Services, Vendprint, Muse, Cisco, Sun, Blackwells...can often handle the support with the 3rd party, instead of telling you it's an issue for which you need to call the 3rd party tech support.

Who are our challenges today? (sd)
  • Serving increasingly diverse communities

  • Serving users who prefer the web

  • Adapting to demanding “nextGens”

  • Taking on new competitors who are raising the bar

  • Discovering ways to collaborate with the broader community

  • Managing collection and selection, particularly of increasingly important e-resources

  • Coping with revenue and budget challenges

  • Overcoming issues related to staff resources and training
In other words… “It’s not business as usual!”

Skill sets that people learn in libraries are critical.

The future is changing and changing in unpredictable ways. The future is not simply an extension of the past. Doing things they way you’ve always done them is not a guarantee of success.

“The best way to predict the future is to invent it” Alan Kay-computer technology pioneer.

User interface solutions: virtual reference, ebooks, open URL linking, RSS
analytical tools

Normative Database. Compare yourself to libraries like yours.

ILS systems today are a lot more than they were 3 yrs ago, or 10 yrs ago.

Patrick ended with things to see during the conference:
  • Horizon 8.0

  • Corinthian

  • Hip & Corinthian portal 4.1

  • Normative data project

  • Rooms

  • School rooms

  • LiveNetwork


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