CODI - Opening Session - Horizon 8.0 Team
Horizon 8.0 team responsible for product management
What's the difference between Corinthian & Horizon?
Corinthian=Academic Libraries /Horizon=Public Libraries
BUT you're not forced into one or the other. Seems to be a lot of the same software, just in a more customized skin for your purposes.
So what's new?
Shelley Neville-- “ACQ Queen”
Selections: give people outside of acq access to lists to select items for order, or add things to a list (such as patron requests) type in title, use research button which launches a browser, which you can preconfigure for (example: amazon) then locate the ISBN you need for your list. Copy from amazon, paste into selections. Then use VIP. (VIP-able) is now a verb! VIP can now search MULTIPLE vendors. When it locates the item, it will pull in all the other data from VIP. Can also link the patron to that request so when the item is ordered, the request is placed for the patron. [guy behind me clapped] Can also add multiple patrons to that request.
Research button can also take you to amazon to evaluate a title on the selection list and give you more info to make the decision to order. Could also be set to configure to titlesource2, and others.
can set up in a tree structure.
“work budget” command launches spreadsheet where I can begin plugging in amounts to build a budget. have status of “new” when created. Change to “open” when you’re finished and they can be used.
Jolynn Hall-- Cataloging
De-mystify record management
MARC record lists
Item lists
URL verification tool [David Schuster is happy about this one!]
MARC record list: displays lists you have available based on login. Some were created at time of import. Create a new list.
Can restrict to 1 user, or a group. Save list. Then begin adding records. Can search by keyword, barcode, and lots more. Filtered searches are simple. No SQL necessary.
I need a list of records who are owned by a specific agency/location, to take them out of circulation for summer renovation. Can search by status, cat type, location, certain bib numbers, record creation date, or user. Records created in June by Steve? No problem!
Save that list.
Item lists:Item editor: pull in an item list I’ve created. Batch edit, or individual edit. Select all, then batch edit and options: permanent change or temporary change? Temp change (summer renovation) change item status, location, display for public? Etc.
When change period is over—pull list into item editor again, select all... reset to previous settings.
Could be great for temporary collections.
URL check: quick check, scheduled check
Use quick check to verify URL on an item record.
Click start validation, and it verifies URL. OR you can do this manually if you want to see the link opening, click browse, if you edit the URL in the browse window, it will update the URL in the item record.
Schedule URL can check all at records at once. Can exclude domains such as EBSCO
Holly Harvey
Horizon 8.0 Circulation
Patron record is now available in the launcher
Photo in record! Really! Lansing: it's really in 8.0
Default notification method for different types of notices: email, phone, print, SMS
Can adjust notification preferences: Bill notices can go to one place, hold notices to another.
Can link patrons together. Parents & children/ entire families
Can see all items out to the entire family on 1 screen.
What does this do for patron privacy? Will we unlink records once the kids are no longer juveniles? --ks
Items Out automatically displays when you pull up a patron record.
Other areas such as requests are listed in a tab above the items out window.Requests can be grouped, then prioritized.
Do you want to read a series in order? Group the holds, and the hold for book #2 does not trigger until you’ve had book #1
Do you need 3 sources for a school project? Place requests on 10 books, group them, and set the group to automatically cancel once 3 items from the group have been filled. System automatically cancels the remaining requests.
Matt Hensler--Serials
Serials checkin—can give you a lot more info now. Can view info about claims and more!
Pre-checkin notes. Rt click on an issue to receive. A lot of access to history in serials checkin. Copy history has a detailed overview. You can click & drag columns to reorder the display. Click on a column heading to sort.
Copy record management
"send to" is now called "open with"
Prediction pattern is broken into several tabs instead of 4 pages.
There's a calendar with graphical representations of the prediction pattern. and the crowd goes wild! Hover the cursor over a date on the calendar, it tells you which issue is predicted.
Jeromy Wilson -- HIP 4.1
He talked about the Kids Information Portal, ADA settings and language preferences.
Channels create pop-up boxes. You can go to a web link or execute a search from within the catalog. (KidsClick) Kids are given lots of choices, don't need to be able to spell.
ADA version pulled out the javascript to allow tabbing through the screen. No mouse needed. Screen readers can "read" this easier.
Languages: users can set up a default language to be used when they log in. After a language choice, tab titles change to their language.
Showed Howard County Library who customized HIP as they wanted.
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