
Friday, April 28, 2006

Poem about Gaming

One of the winning poems from the Teen Poetry Cafe, we liked the topic of this one!


How many of the games can you name? (We can't get them all!)

For the rest from the Cafe, visit the blog.

OT: Waste of Your Federal Tax Dollars

Ok, this is off the usual topic. This post is about a waste of your federal tax dollars.

Just think of how much of the money they're paying out in overtime could go toward equipment and training and you might just write your congressman! (help a blogger out!)

If Russ gets to come home tomorrow, it will be after 84 hours on shift.
If not, he’ll be home Monday after 120 hours on shift.

The slow hiring process at Great Lakes Naval Station has created a staffing crisis.
Civilian Federal Firefighter positions vacated by retiring and resigning firefighters at Great Lakes Naval Station have gone unfilled, resulting in too few staff to cover the shifts. Each day, six firefighters have to work mandatory overtime, just to cover the minimum personnel manning. More firefighters are scheduled to retire this summer, so the problem is going to get worse.

Not only is this causing undue stress on the firefighters at Great Lakes, this is a waste of taxpayer funds as well. It would be much cheaper in the long run to hire a few personnel than to pay over 2100 hours of overtime each month overall to the overworked firefighters. (and yes, overtime is time-and-a-half)

Many people do not realize that the normal work schedule at the Federal Fire Department at Great Lakes Naval Station is 24 hours on/24 hours off.
Department staffing requirements require 15 firefighters per day. Only 12 firefighters are scheduled each day. The shortage is alleviated by assigning mandatory overtime in 12 hour shifts, so each day 6 firefighters have only 12 hours off between shifts.

Only 12 hours to commute home, spend time with family (if they’re not at work/school), run errands, and commute back to the base! (or if you get to come home in the evening, only 12 hours to commute home, sleep, and commute back)

Firefighting is a stressful job, and the continuous exposure to this level of stress can take mental and physical tolls and affect job performance. A consistent schedule and regularly scheduled time away from the job are recognized methods* of dealing with the stress.

The firemen who “protect those who defend America” deserve better.

*The full text of Effect of Work Related Stress on Firefighter/Paramedic can be obtained on the internet at,%20Fitness,%20Wellness/Effect%20of%20Work%20Related%20Stress%20on%20the%20Firefighter%20Paramedic.pdf

Sunday, April 16, 2006

Social Software -- Multiply

Have you seen Multiply?

Looks like MySpace+Blogger+Flickr+a calendar.

Found through a German listener's comment posted to an entry, distributing an author podcast on LPL's Adult News Blog

9 listeneners have posted comments, perhaps a public library podcast record?

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Building Better Communities Award

All submitted, and now the wait begins.

How many days until ALA?

Do you realize how many cool kids are SD libraries though? This is some tough competition!

Anybody else know who applied?

Monday, April 10, 2006

Carnival #32 and Podcasts Crossing the Pond

Carnival #32 at TangognaT

I got a little behind this week, so I missed the call for submissions for NLW related content. THANK YOU to whoever stumbled upon what was keeping me busy and made sure it was included in this week's carnival... LPL's daily podcasts for NLW. Here's a feed.

Thanks to Ruben for recording versions in Spanish!

We also had a poet, Don Lundquist Jr., last week, and an author/poet, Thomas Crane today. Both podcasts are available in the feed as well.

Thomas Crane's book is actually available as a PDF online. (see our post)
You techie types will enjoy as he talks about the role the computer played in getting his book published. He wrote his book in the days before the internet. He corresponded with people by hand as this was the days before Instant Messaging. (and he actually said that too!) I was not in the room during his presentation, but as I was editing the podcast, I chuckled at that.
I found it very interesting that this older gentleman had embraced the technology as a way to get his book to more people.

He told me that he informed friends and people who had helped him in his process of publishing his book that we would be podcasting today's presentation.
If the people he told, download the podcast, we will reach Michigan, Champaign-Urbana IL, Amsterdam NY, Wales, and Ireland.
I told him it would probably be listened to in Singapore too. (hello Ivan)

Next scheduled podcast: The 4th Annual Teen Poetry Cafe, April 27th. (look for the podcast probably the next day)

Monday, April 03, 2006

Combined podcast feed for LPL

Combined podcast feed for Greg, and anyone else who's listening to what we're doing at Lansing PL.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

Rhyme Your Search Rhymes
Originally uploaded by nomextra. just announced their new feature "rhyme your search."

I searched for "orange" I'm surprised it even came up with options!

Results were:

Rhyme Your Search
Front Lunge
Slime Grunge
Sea Sponge

Strange though--each time you execute the search, it suggests different rhymes.

Since when does my name rhyme with "Jon Bon Jovi" ?
It seems to rhyme differently if you use quotes around a search phrase.
Then, "Kelli Staley" rhymes with "necessary." LOL

and according to Ask: "library" rhymes with "nudity".(see photo!)