
Monday, April 10, 2006

Carnival #32 and Podcasts Crossing the Pond

Carnival #32 at TangognaT

I got a little behind this week, so I missed the call for submissions for NLW related content. THANK YOU to whoever stumbled upon what was keeping me busy and made sure it was included in this week's carnival... LPL's daily podcasts for NLW. Here's a feed.

Thanks to Ruben for recording versions in Spanish!

We also had a poet, Don Lundquist Jr., last week, and an author/poet, Thomas Crane today. Both podcasts are available in the feed as well.

Thomas Crane's book is actually available as a PDF online. (see our post)
You techie types will enjoy as he talks about the role the computer played in getting his book published. He wrote his book in the days before the internet. He corresponded with people by hand as this was the days before Instant Messaging. (and he actually said that too!) I was not in the room during his presentation, but as I was editing the podcast, I chuckled at that.
I found it very interesting that this older gentleman had embraced the technology as a way to get his book to more people.

He told me that he informed friends and people who had helped him in his process of publishing his book that we would be podcasting today's presentation.
If the people he told, download the podcast, we will reach Michigan, Champaign-Urbana IL, Amsterdam NY, Wales, and Ireland.
I told him it would probably be listened to in Singapore too. (hello Ivan)

Next scheduled podcast: The 4th Annual Teen Poetry Cafe, April 27th. (look for the podcast probably the next day)


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