
Tuesday, December 06, 2005

GLL: What next?

I think a lot of people misinterpreted Kathryn's question of what kind of support do we need now? There were some good points made, such as: talking points, bibliographies, perhaps a "kit" to sell this to the Board. Someone else mentioned that reviews of games, could really help with title selection.

That's all well and good.
But what we really need is to keep the conversation going!
How many times have you attended a meeting or conference, returned home, wrote the report for your boss or board, then just filed it all away because once you returned home it seemed too daunting?

If we keep talking...the momentum will build, and before you know it, you'll make it happen!
Not just game tournaments, but programming for the gaming generations (of all ages.)

So how do we continue the conversation?
LibGaming Google Group
Game On: Games in Libraries Blog
Library Success Wiki
utilize mailing lists & newsgroups you already use

Success stories? Share your story. Having difficulty selling the idea? Contact a library who got the support they needed who may be able to share what worked for them.
Make connections--either geographically or by library type.
Partner with a neighboring library.

Think about the conversations you had over lunch. You've got those people's email addresses...keep in touch with them! Today, I had lunch with 2 people who work at college libraries, and they were talking about partnering on projects (not just gaming) with the high schoolers as a way to get the students familiar with the college, build a reputation, and those high schoolers just might be the new faces on campus in the next year.

"Jack of the 2 libraries" (Mr. Schultz from Westmont, IL & Thomas Ford) shared a program idea which requires no equipment... Come learn tips & Tricks on how to improve your Runescape skills. What's great about this idea? Uses the "strategy guide" model. Tweens & Teens would come. A Runescape "geek" (or panel of them) from your community could be the presenters! Programming by teens for teens? Cost to the library=priceless. Follow it with the chance to play Runescape as well. (I've learned the hard way not to do a lecture presentation and not offer hands-on.) Has thommy ford tried this program already?
Make it a series... focus on different games, or focus on tips for those just getting started, and a follow up session for more advanced players.

Easy things you can do now...
Offer programming for the tweens & teens on days school is out. [We don't do this at my library...YET.]
LAN parties and have kids BYOC (bring your own computer)
Try a gaming pilot project using borrowed equipment.
Form relationships within the community that break out of "the box of books"

For those of you that enjoy a challenge...
If we complain that ILS interfaces need to be more intuitive and shouldn't be so hard to use...(and they're not really getting more intuitive...yet) and if the younger generations learn so well in game formats...
Let's challenge the ILS vendors to create game-inspired tutorials for our users.
Hello SirsiDynix? You can have this in HIP 4.3, right? Why should we have to create guides for our patrons on how to place a hold? And, in the case of S-D's HIP4.x, with all the customization available for the patrons, truly making it a portal... create a "game" where they can play without "breaking" their own personalized version.
(And while you're at it...retire the cartoon wizard from the Horizon 7.2 training CDs)

Database vendors too... We're providing more and more remote access to our resources, but unfortunately those remote users are often left without adequate tutorials.

F.Y.I. Newsbank will create a tutorial for your Newsbank interface (based on titles in your subscription) but you have to ask, and it took them 9 months to create one for me. The killer? The tutorial is not linked from the main splash screen after you login. They called me on the phone to tell me it was completed, and how to access it. Gee, I hope I'm at my desk when my remote users call to ask if there's an online tutorial for it! (I'll be creating a link from our website, where users have to authenticate to use Newsbank.)

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