
Tuesday, December 06, 2005

GLL: Q&A Panel Session


Presentations will be posted on website in a few days.

All the blogger sites will be linked on the website.

You can also use Technorati, we all tagged things GamingInLibraries2005

Random ideas and Q&A and comments thrown out....
Where should this conversation go next? How to support gaming?

No longer really a question of IF, but more WHEN are you going to have gaming? (Eli)

-[insert your stat here] % of school district, town, etc have library card, any business would be smart to sponsor us! We shouldn't have to feel the need to "beg" for prizes.

One to Watch: Elmwood Park PL (Illinois) —Pilot project based on the Netflixs model. Books to your door by mail, no due date. Got a grant to try it out.

Runescape tourney, everybody start with a new character, then recorded # of quests they completed in a day T.F. North High vs T.F. South High ?

Convenience will always be more important than quality, It’s our job (as a library) to make quality convenient. (George)

Our non-commercial nature gives us an advantage over our competitors for becoming 3rd place

Gametap service—subscribe & play as many of the old downloadable games as you want

Gamerankings give reviews & reviews of reviews

Paula from Cincinnati – running for YALSA president to push this type of thing --gaming-- forward

Filament games


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