
Monday, March 21, 2005

Library News Feeds added!

Visit my library's website for info!

North Carolina & New York

In the past month, I've gotten calls from North Carolina and the Bronx about content on our library website.

Why are these people calling a library in Illinois?

Meta-tags. Use 'em.

...and remember, the content you post on your site is reaching further than your community!

Sunday, March 20, 2005

Things We Learned (so far) by Teaching Classes to Patrons

Good points for all library staff to keep in mind...

1. Don't assume just because they are a familiar face in the library that they know how to use the library!

2. Don't assume just because they are a frequent patron that they are aware of all the library has to offer. Example: Patron visits the library at least once a week, and didn't know we had newly released films on DVD!

2a. We need to continuously market our offerings!

3. After they conquer their fears and take that 1st step, patrons will want to sign up for additional classes...right now!

3a. Have information about future upcoming classes on other topics available.

4. Don't be guilty of ageism. There are people in their 30's that don't know how to use the library's resources. Some (most?) baby boomers think all gen-xers (or millennials) have the same tech-savvy skills.

5. Best place to advertise computer classes? A 3" x 5" sign on the circ counter near each terminal. Captive audience!

Friday, March 04, 2005

Afraid of the Dark

We hearing from an increasing number of our patrons that they no longer attend our evening programs because they are afraid to go out at night.

I wonder if this is an increasing trend that other libraries are seeing too?