
Sunday, August 13, 2006

The big five-o

Carnival's coming back to the US next week.

If you'd like to be a part of the historic fiftieth installment of the Carnival of the Infosciences send me your post!

Other historic events on Aug 21?
1858 Lincoln-Douglas debates begin
1920 Christopher Robin's birthday (open WorldCat is awesome)
1959 Hawaii becomes 50th state

email: nomextra [at]sbcglobal [dot]net . The deadline is Sunday, August 20 at 6 pm EST.

How will you be celebrating National Library Card Month?
Share your best "bally" and "call"!
Don't feel you need to stick to a theme though, any infosciences topic welcome.

Watch for the post sometime Monday the 21st.

If you need the guidelines, they are here.

#49 coming to you from Canada.. click over to Connie Crosby!


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