
Saturday, January 14, 2006

Library 1995

Staff Lounge
Originally uploaded by nomextra.
With this big 70th anniversary celebration we've got going on all year long, I decided to dig out the photos from the documentary project I did for my Photo I class at Columbia College in the spring of 1995. It's amazing how much has changed in the 11 years. Link to the set.

Of course, some of the staff in the pictures have moved on to other jobs, but we've made a lot of other changes too. The card catalog was still around in 1995. The Reference Dept. was on the opposite side of the building. No computers for public use. The carpet was gold (be glad these are B&W photos!) The popular style of eyewear was definitely much larger than what's in fashion now!

I still lived in Lansing back then, and I used to ride my bike to work. The custodian was concerned that I'd be ready to leave at night and find my tires flat, so he had me park my bike in the staff lounge.

It's a green Schwinn Collegiate from the early 1970s. (a garage sale bargain for $20, but not as pretty as Aaron's) Isn't that a strange coincidence? I should start a frappr map of bloggers with schwinns.


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