
Monday, May 16, 2005

Interview & IM news

Ivan Chew of Rambling Librarian contacted me last month to interview me about our IM reference service. He's just posted the interview on his blog.

I'll take this opportunity to mention I've also added a section to our website to educate our patrons on IM and RSS.

And a high-five to one of our board members (you know who you are) who used our IM reference a few weeks ago! Glad to see the Board embracing the new technology!

Link to the interview:

Ivan also took the time to chat with the "front line" and here's his take on IM reference, based on his chat with Patty:


  • Thanks for commenting on my review of Population: 485 and adding me to your library people. It is always good to find another reader. I was also glad to read that your board member used virtual reference. Keep up the good work. Thanks again.

    By Blogger ricklibrarian, At 9:13 AM  

  • Correction, IM reference.

    By Blogger ricklibrarian, At 9:14 AM  

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